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Congratulations to our 2022 Grant Recipients


Eight area non-profit organizations will receive $42,430 in grant funds from the Greater Menomonee Falls Foundation. With 2022 funds, the Greater Menomonee Falls Foundation has awarded $200,000 in grants in the last ten years


Grants Supporting Youth


Accompany of Kids: funds wireless headset microphone kits, which helps improve sound quality. 


Association for the Rights of Citizens with handicaps (ARCh): looks forward to welcoming back campers to Camp Pow Wow in Menomonee Park. Grant funding will add an accessible sand and water table and increase access to hand sanitizers.


GPS Education Partners: to support students in the manufacturing youth apprenticeship program at Bradley Corporation Education Center.


Variety – The Children’s Charity of Wisconsin: partners with Brent Emery of Emery’s Bicycles to build custom adaptive bicycles for children in the community.


Grants Supporting Families


Community League Civic Families Committee: provides several local families in need with clothing, hygiene products, holiday gift baskets, blankets, and grocery store gift cards. 


HOPE Network for Single Mothers: provides personal care kits to mothers and families in need.


The Women's Center: for the domestic abuse and sexual violence victims' emergency shelter program.


Grants Supporting the Community


Menomonee Falls Historical Society: will use grant funding at Old Falls Village for restoring the Depot from 1890. 


Menomonee Falls Farmers Market: sustaining grant supports reorganization as a non-profit organization and provides initial funding to transition to a volunteer supported entity



Greater Menomonee Falls Foundation   P.O. Box 53  Menomonee Falls, WI 53052  

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